Chinese Characters Introduction 101 - Components & Structure Models

Welcome to Interactive Educational Presentation

  • This course presentation aims to provide the introductory information for chinese character components and structure models
  • Chinese Language writing has strict rules that should be followed for character writing
  • Component will be presented and different type of characters based on the structural model will be briefly introduced
  • Graphical examples will be given to show drawing orders of the characters that belongs to different structural models
  • Character Info: nínhǎo 您好    Translation: hello (formal version)

    Chinese Character Components & Strokes

  • Each chinese chracters consist number of compenents
  • These components are created in a form of strokes
  • Stokes can be defined simple as "drawing" or "writing" element
  • "yǒng 永" chinese character is one of examples of building up a complete character with all 8 individual strokes
  • This follows the normal top to bottom rule for the order of drawing strokes that will be presented one by one
  • Character Info: yǒng 永    Translation: forever (adverb)

    Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 1: diǎn 点

  • The simplest stroke is dot or "diǎn" in Chinese language
  • It is not only a simple down and up motion, but also is dragged slightly to the right and lifted
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 2: héng 横

  • Another simple stroke is the "héng"
  • It is a horizontal line with the brush pushed down slightly at either end
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 3: shù 竖

  • The "shù" stroke is a vertical line with the brush pushed down slightly to start and lifted off at the end
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 4: gōu 钩

  • The "gōu" stoke is used with "shù" stroke
  • Drawing can be made adding a hook at the end of "shù" stoke
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 5: tí 提

  • The "tí" stroke is an upwards and right darting movement to give it a pointed end
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 6: wān 弯

  • The "wān" stroke starts at top left and end curve round to vertical
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 7: piě 撇

  • The "piě" stroke starts at the top right and angles down to bottom left as the brush leaves the paper
  • Introduction of Strokes

    Stroke 8: nà 捺

  • The "nà" stroke need to start at the top left and angles down to bottom right
  • Introduction of Structure Models

  • All chinese charaters are created based on the strucral methods and total 9 structural models exist
  • These models will be presented one by one with the characters that were given on the board
  • However, these characters can not be created or written randomly in terms of stroke order
  • Strict rules are applied to increase the efficiency of the writing of chinese character, therefore students and chinese language users can write chinese characters very fast and very efficient
  • These rules based drawing should be learned to pass proficiency exams of chinese language as well
  • Let's Continue ➡️➡️➡️
  • Structure Model 1:

    Left to right structural model

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from the very left to end of the right side
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: xián 㳄    Translation: saliva (noun)

    Structure Model 2:

    Above to below

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from the top to bottom side
  • The character is drawn from top to bottom as much as possible, this avoids possible smudging.
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: qiān 䙴    Translation: to fly (verb)

    Structure Model 3:

    Above to middle and below

  • In this model of characters are structured starting top to bottom similar as structure model 2 however, middle part is also exist in this model
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: mén 亹    Translation: busy (adjective)

    Structure Model 4:

    Full surround

  • In this model of characters are structured starting top to bottom similar as structure model 2 however, middle part is also exist in this model
  • In this model, the character "guó" is created by the outside enclosing strokes first, followed by the inside component "yu" and then the bottom horizontal stroke
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: guó 国    Translation: country (noun)

    Structure Model 5:

    Surround from the above

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from outside before the inside part
  • Outer strokes should be created first then inner elements can be handled
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: jiǒng 冏    Translation: bright (adjective)

    Structure Model 6:

    Surround from the below

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from inside before the outside part
  • Inner strokes should be created first then outer elements can be handled
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: xiōng 凶    Translation: crime (noun)

    Structure Model 7:

    Surround from upper left

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from outside before the inside part as mentioned before as outer strokes should be created first then inner elements can be handled
  • However, character is surrounded from upper left in this model in addition to structure model 5
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: diàn 店    Translation: shop (noun)

    Structure Model 8:

    Surround from upper right

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from outside before the inside part as mentioned in ealier section
  • However, character is surrounded from upper right in this model in addition to structure model 5
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: kě 可    Translation: can (verb)

    Structure Model 9:

    Semi-enclosed structure

  • In this model of characters are structured starting from inside first then continues with the outside part
  • This is a exception model comparing to rest of the models because of its unique structure
  • Rule based drawing steps are illustrated with animation to present the creationg order, You may use repeat button to re-draw
  • Character Info: féng 逢    Translation: to meet (verb)

    End of the Components & Structure Models

    Thanks for the participation !

  • Chinese Language has a lot to offer however it is one of the most complicated language with various rules and unique difficulities
  • In this presentation we learned the very basics of chinese character components and structure models
  • Drawing order of the strokes have also been repserented throughout the course section
  • Considering the learning duration approximetly 5 years (1825 days) for chinese language, it was a great start !!
  • Now only 1824 days left to finalize other chapters and become an expert 🙏
  • Author: Omer Gencer / 2021 / SWE596 / Copyright © Open For Bogazici University Use