The eNTERFACE'07 workshop is being organized by the Department of Electrical-Electronics
Engineering & Department of Computer Engineering of Bogazici University, in Istanbul under the aegis of
the SIMILAR European Network of Excellence. The following themes will be studied and developed during the four-week long workshop:
Multimodal signal analysis and synthesis, Fusion and fission of modalities, Context aware adaptation, Edutainment and learning
assistance, Medical applications, Disabled applications and Usability.
The participants, as listed in
Project & Teams page consist of academicians, researchers, doctoral and graduate students.
The previous two workshops, namely eNTERFACE'05 in Mons, Belgium and
eNTERFACE'06 in Dubrovnik, Croatia had an
impressive success record and had proven the viability and usefulness of this original workshop.
We expect that eNTERFACE'07 at Bogazici University will continue and take this line
of fruitful collaboration one step further. eNTERFACE'07 has already inspired competitive projects in the area of multimodal
interfaces, has secured the
contributions of leading professionals and has encouraged participation of a large number of graduate
and undergraduate students.
The ultimate goal of this workshop is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts to
meet and work together, and to foster the development of tomorrow's multimodal research community.